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Wrong answer! Silly old Starmer turns his back on Trump to brown-nose in Brussels.H

CORRECTION Europe Defense (25034723173890)
Sir Keir Starmer chose to glad-hand leaders in Brussels despite an olive branch from Donald Trump (Image: AP)

I almost feel sorry for Keir Starmer – in the way you feel sorry for a blithering idiot who causes chaos and catastrophe at every turn yet doesn’t quite understand how it’s all happening.

So this week, while Donald Trump is humiliating countries like Mexico, Columbia and Canada by forcing them to take back their illegal immigrants and control their borders or be smacked with crippling trade tariffs, he threw the silly old sausage Starmer a lifeline (which he doesn’t deserve) by saying that – for now at least – he won’t impose these tariffs on Britain mainly because of Brexit (he approves of it).

But he does make clear he’s going after the EU with a vengeance because “they buy nothing from us”.

And as he was saying all this, guess where stupid old Starmer was? On a plane to Brussels to beg and plead for a reset on the Brexit deal.

Never mind that most Brits don’t want him too. But then Starmer never does anything we want – only what he and his elitist Remainer mates want.

Never mind that before the election he promised faithfully he’d never take us back into the EU, but that’s precisely what he’s now doing.

I think Starmer’s desperate to be back in that rotting bloc because when he messes up – which he’s currently doing on a weekly basis – he can blame the EU.

Anyway, there he is in Brussels brown-nosing and doffing his cap to all and sundry and he’s asked whether he’s going to back Trump or EU as the tariff row intensifies.

And what does he say? He says he won’t “choose between the two powers” .

Wrong answer! What he should have said is that if it came to a choice, he would choose the country that would best serve the interests of the British people. In this case, that would be Trump’s America.

But no, daftie Keir does his infamous “bum of the fence” trick and tries to straddle both powers.

Why does he always get it so wrong? Trump has thrown Starmer and his idiot Government – most of whom have lobbed hideous insults at him – a bone.

Starmer, instead of saying how much he’s looking forward to doing a massive trade deal with the US which would negate any need to creep back to the EU – sits down for dinner bunch of deadbeat leaders in Brussels.

Why the hell would he do that? Does he actually like being humiliated? Does he like the idiot Emmanuel Macron – now universally hated in his own country and soon for the chop – crowing over him telling him what bad decisions we made? Macron was reportedly determined to give Starmer a rollicking about the failures of Brexit


Why doesn’t he stand up to Macron, who is now a spent force in his own country, and tell him to butt out of our business? No one in France listens to what he says, so why should


But Starmer won’t because he’s gutless and because he thinks he’s right about Brexit. If this doesn’t show what little political nous this minnow has, god knows what will.

Why go crawling to Brussels at a time The Donald wants to play nice with us? We’ve seen how he’s humiliated Mexico, Columbia and Canada, who thought they had the guts to take him on. And we’ve seen how they capitulated terrified of his punitive tariffs.

But instead of capitalising on the goodwill Trump obviously feels for us, Starmer would rather stick two fingers up at him and go sucking up to Brussels to negotiate away our fishing rights.

We don’t need the EU, which is currently floundering. Germany’s economy is in the toilet and it’s about to be taken over by a hard-Right party because it didn’t listen to its people

over out-of-control immigration.

Ditto France. The once great alliance is great no more. And this is when Starmer wants to go back?

The one good thing is the EU is currently trying to find a way to make mass deportations possible because, unlike Starmer, it now realises it’s been catastrophic for their countries.

But not Starmer. Here in Britain, he’s effectively trying to decriminalise illegal immigrants, making it possible for everyone who comes here to get citizenship.

Never forget Starmer was, and still is, an arch Remainer who rejected the outcome of the 2016 vote.

Do we really want to go back to the days when we paid the EU £17billion a year and were told what to do?

There’s nothing wrong with trading with the EU, but why isn’t Starmer setting his sights on the new Trumpian order which could lead us into a glittering future?

All he wants to do is take us back to the past and back into the EU where Britain was always the poor relation under the cosh of unelected bureaucrats.


Starmer will never ever get close to doing what Trump’s doing on immigration for one simple reason – he doesn’t want to stop it.

He spent his whole life as a barrister fighting for people under the human rights laws. He loves those human rights barristers who find the loopholes that allow people who shouldn’t be here to stay.

He’s even said on record he believes our immigration laws to be racist. So never expect him to show the kind of backbone that would see Britain deporting illegal criminals or migrants. Because he cares more about their rights than he does about the rights of law-abiding Brits.

I find myself jealous of the American people these days because at least they have hope that their new leader is doing what’s best for them and their country not what’s best for the

rest of the world.

Trump refuses to sacrifice or compromise their rights for anyone or anything. How wonderfully secure that must make them feel?

Trump tells government employees who refuse to go into the office to work “you’re sacked if you don’t”. He tells other countries “take back your illegals and criminals or I’ll slap a 25% trade tariff on you”.

He scraps an out-of-control aid department in his own country because its chaotic and costing billions. He scraps what he calls the US’s green deal. He pulls out of the World Health Organization. The man’s on fire!

If Starmer had only held a grateful hand to him this week, it would have allowed Britain to continue to trade unpunished with the US. It would also have helped him capitalise on

Brexit to the max.

But as usual, this dilly-dallying man is in grave danger of blowing it. He’d rather crawl back to a deteriorating, stagnating EU than step into the bright new world currently being created by Trump.

And the tragedy is his gutlessness, his lack of vision, is going to endanger our partnership with our greatest ally.

Let the EU fight Trump if it wants to – it won’t win. But Starmer needs to keep Britain the hell out of it. He’s done enough damage to this country already.


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