News Old UK

Woman discovers vintage car graveyard hidden in the middle of a mysterious forest! B

A mysterious forest hides a whole graveyard of 50 vintage cars and is every car enthusiast’s dream.

There are 50 of them in total, including Mercedes, Ford and Riley One-Point-Five.

And one woman called Ashley Urbex, an explorer from Milton Keynes, first heard of the treasure trove from a friend and knew she had to investigate.

In a crumbling barn of tilted wooden beams and a sheet metal roof caved in at one corner, she found them.

Through the overgrowth of this Nottinghamshire forest sits a ‘stunning’ collection of old cars ‘just sadly left to rot’.

Among them are an old Daimler, Rover 2300, Riley One-Point-Five, MG MGA, Triumph GT6 mk3, Austin 8, Hillman Hunter, Vanden Plas, Mercedes 220, an Austin Morris Mini and several Fords.


‘Most of the cars unfortunately were rotting and in bad condition’, the 26-year-old explorer said.

‘A lot rusty and decaying away, a lot of weather damage.

Rusty and dusty vintage cars.

The roof is caving in and the plants are growing over the cars (Picture: Jam Press

The interior fabrics are rotting, decaying and fraying inside this vintage car.

The interior fabrics are rotting, decaying and fraying (Picture: Jam Press

‘Some better than others, covered to a degree from the weather.

‘But with the barns falling apart on top of the cars, unfortunately this has caused damage.’

A grey or white vintage car with a windshield caked in dusted, almost hidden by a stack of planks and pipes.

Some of the cars are hidden by planks of wood in hard-to-reach sheds (Picture: Jam Press

The bonnet of a car poking out from under a fabric covering and a collapsing barn.

The cars have been damaged by weather and the barn is caving in (Picture: Jam Press

Ashley shared the discovery on her TikTok account, @ashleyurbex, where the video gained more than 35,000 views.

In the clip, she can be seen walking around the old motors before giving viewers a look around some of their rotting interiors.

The explorer said: ‘It was a struggle to get to some of the cars due to the location being overgrown and the barns falling apart.

‘But we ended up being here for a couple of hours as there were so many cars to see.’


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