The UK can’t afford five more minutes of Keir Starmer (Image: PA)
Four days ago, a small businessman launched a petition demanding a general election. A simple enough request and of course entirely reasonable considering unquestionable Labour Government ineptitude.
Some of the more extreme views might wish to elevate the matter as being so egregious as to meet the threshold for treason. In principle, the depth of betrayal and outright deception demonstrated since Two-Tier assumed office is serious enough to warrant a popular revolt.
In this country though, we render our judgement at the ballot box as opposed to resorting to armed insurrection guided by mob rule. What a thrill to see an ordinary hard-working bloke trigger such emotion, such depths of passion for a real expression of democratic will, Possums. One can only hope the dream of vanquishing the leftie foe becomes a reality.
The sterling call to action was started by small business owner Michael Westwood. Now, Mr Westwood made no bones about expressing how he thinks voters feel. Seriously aggrieved by a Labour government betrayal in prom ising one thing before the July election yet delivering another once elected is the general consensus.
The only relevant statistic is straightforward and easily understandable by any halfwit, including those idiots presently occupying the government green benches in the Commons. Four days has seen almost two million people endorsing a call for an immediate general election.
Nobody knows where this will end, but this petition has far exceeded the required threshold to precipitate a parliamentary debate. Now whether the clown-in-chief, Two-Tier, will listen and take heed is an entirely different matter.
A simple observation would conclude that this is unlikely. Continued blame will be placed on the woeful Tories, who failed us too, but their failure is made all the more abysmal since it ceded power to this present bunch of morons. And of course, the PM and his lackeys will insist that their priorities must be on delivery of their “promised” agenda, whatever the hell that is supposed to be.
This fiasco would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic inflicting pain and misery on people who can least endure it. Pensioners, hardworking small business owners, family farmers, everyone, it seems, except for the public sector, have been served a disincentive to innovate, adapt, and overcome government impediments to wealth creation.
Taxing people left and right, upping National Insurance thresholds levied only on private sector employers and not the public sector cannot possibly be a serious argument for stimulating growth.
Moreover, inflation-busting public sector wage rises with inflation linked pension benefits further drive up the costs of public services. Massive increases in government borrowing drive up the national debt even more too and cannot be beneficial for attracting direct foreign investment either.
The priorities of this incompetent and morally bankrupt government are all too evident. Together with the infestation of woke promoted by a clueless cabal of progressives represents such a profound cluster bleep as to be almost inconceivable.
Pump money into the NHS to do what exactly? The state of health services in this country is appalling, with the standards of care not anywhere near those of yesteryear. Instead of throwing money at it, why not do a proper assessment of how the entire health service is administered and delivered, along with what the cost factors involved actually represent.
Do what any private sector business would do and build a cost efficient, sustainable, and quality service that caters to all.
Education? Throw money at that one too, why don’t you? OK, once again, achieving what? Its all very well to spew political word salad and throw other people’s money around like confetti to showboat this issue, but what are the results in practice? Oh, and whack twenty percent on private school fees too, driving significant numbers of pupils out of those schools into the state sector where there aren’t places for them anyway.
Yeah, that’s clever, and you want to spend nine billion quid doing all this? Fixing the foundations, Prime Minister? Seriously? One must ask what distorted bubble Two-Tier lives in, and through what kind of bleeped up prism does he see the world around him?
Good on you, Michael Westwood and all you other wonderful Possums who support his petition. We cannot afford five years of this lot. Even five more minutes is too long! Vote them out and then scream “Good Riddance” from the rooftops, all being well! Now, there’s a cheery thought.
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