
Useless Yvette Cooper and crazed trans activists are now risking lives of others.H

The major institutions of Britain charged with protecting us have all been captured.

Yvette Cooper

Yvette Cooper is proving herself to be useless (Image: PA)

Can someone please explain to why the NHS, the police and even the military have all caved into and been corrupted by a bunch of gender terrorists at the expense of everyone else? These terrorists have infiltrated every major institution in Britain, hellbent on erasing the fact of biological gender. They’ll have you believe it doesn’t exist and that the very concept of it is cruel, divisive and discriminatory. But it isn’t. It’s a fact. But facts don’t matter to these crazed trans activists whose loony beliefs are now putting people’s lives in danger.

This week we were told in a terrifying new review that biological sex is being erased from official data and replaced by “gender” predominantly in the NHS and in the police’s crime records. How the Hell has this madness been allowed to happen? Police forces in England and Wales had previously been advised by an independent review to collect data on a person’s sex not their self-declared gender. But they’ve ignored that and our useless Home Secretary Yvette Cooper refuses to make a mandatory order to force them to take heed.

So what does that tell you about this Government? It tells me it’s prepared to put the lives of the majority of British people at risk so as not to offend a tiny proportion of trans people who account for less than 0.5% of the population?

This week it emerged these police forces are now allowing criminals and sex offenders to pick their own gender and so are recording male sex offenders as women. Which means they could be put into women’s prisons where, we know some already have wreaked havoc. The fact is that if a trans woman sex pest has a penis he should be recorded as a man. End of.

And just as important – we now know that this nonsense corrupts crime records and distorts the actual numbers of sex offenders and criminals out there. So no crime records can ever again be seen as an accurate reflection of what is happening.


Ditto for the NHS where vital breast cancer screening, cervical screening and smear tests have been missed as have vital prostate cancer checks. Lab results have also been misinterpreted – all because people have been recorded by their preferred gender not their actual birth sex.

And why? Because of a tiny group of fanatics who have managed to persuade the dense, overpaid people at the top of these organisations that their unproven ideology is real and that if they go along with it they’ll be seen as forward-thinking revolutionaries ahead of their time – instead of the thick, gullible, dangerous fools they actually are.

How obscene is it that this Government is allowing people’s lives to be put in danger so as not to hurt the feelings of the small numbers of people who identify as transgender? How vile is it that people are getting cancer so that trans people don’t feel marginalised?

In a few years’ time we’ll look back on this lunacy and wonder how it all came to pass – why sick female patients are terrified of going into hospital in case they get their pronouns wrong or they’re put on a women’s ward with trans woman patients.

Because of this ideology we now have midwives who can’t be called midwives. We have nurses who have to strip off and get changed in front of trans women nurses so as not to offend them.

Sorry but this is a monstrous betrayal of the British people. And it’s incredibly serious as pointed out by the eminent Prof. Alice Sullivan this week whose disturbing review should put a rocket under this Government to force these corrupted organisations to stop putting the lives of the majority at risk to spare the feelings of the few. But frankly with a PM who can’t tell us what a woman is – I’m not holding out much hope.

Trans men and women should be allowed to live exactly as they wish. But their feelings – hurt or otherwise – must never be put above people’s lives!


Suni Williams

Give Suni Williams a break! (Image: Anadolu via Getty)

Why is everyone making such a big deal about how Nasa astronaut Suni Williams looks after being stuck in space for nine months. All the talk is about how gaunt she looks and how she’s aged a decade in just 288 days.

Give the poor woman a break for God’s sake. She’s 59 and yes, she’s gone grey but we all would if we hadn’t seen a hairdresser in nearly a year (remember Covid?).

She’ll be as good as new after she’s had her roots done and a few hearty dinners.


Why are we supposed to be cheering Kemi Badenoch’s courage for declaring that Net Zero by 2050 is impossible.

It’s exactly what the captains of industry were telling everyone years ago.


As illegal immigration soars out of control, I’m just wondering how many traffic smuggling gangs our PM and Home Secretary have “smashed “ in the last eight months. And how many they’re going to smash in the next four years?

Is there a mathematical calculation for minus zero?


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