
Stunning Vintage Pictures of Everyday Life in Netherlands in 1904.H

Here are some stunning black and white photos of everyday life in cities in Netherlands that were shot by an unknown photographer from a trip in 1904.

A street scene in Monnickendam, 1904
A street scene in Netherlands, 1904


A street scene in Volendam


Boats at the dock, Marken


Canal and Cheese Market, Alkmaar


Cheese Market, Alkmaar


Children in a school in Netherlands, 1904


Dordrecht, Netherlands


Fishing boats at the dock, Volendam


In Marken, Netherlands


Laundry Day, Marken


Man with dog cart


Marken Girls, Marken


Marken street scene


Men and boat, Marken


Men and girl on the dock, Marken


Spuiwater Canal, Rotterdam


Steigersgrachtwater, Rotterdam


Street scene in front of the Hotel Spaander in Volendam


Two windmills along a canal in Landsmeer

(Photos from Bill Nelson)


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