
Struggling for a GP appointment? Our woke new Health Minister has the answer_L

The Labour Party’s shiny new Health Minister has hit upon an unlikely solution.

Ashley Dalton and Keir Starmer

The Prime Minister, in his infinite wisdom, h as appointed Ashley Dalton as the new health minister after sacking Andrew Gwynne over vile leaked WhatsApp messages. But is this not just replacing one idiot with another?


Let’s have a look at Ms Dalton’s track record, shall we? She is on record as a staunch advocate for gender neutral loos. She also stated in 2016 that if someone identifies as a llama then people should “take them seriously, and “treat [them] with dignity and respect”.

I can’t quite get my head around the prospect of a Llama entering a gender-neutral toilet when there are plenty of outdoor spaces where these delightful creatures can do their business undisturbed.

Is Ms Dalton the woman to take on the NHS and all its attendant problems? The health service is an absolute shambles. What it needs is an urgent fix.

But the newly appointed minister is on record as being opposed to Labour’s official policy of using the private sector to bring down NHS waiting lists. This surely has to be one of the most important, if not the most important, issues that currently bedevil the NHS, and common sense is once again ignored.

Maybe it might be worth setting the politics to one side by cutting out the incessant blame game for the parlous state of the health service. It might also be worth being totally honest and admit that the provision of health care in this country is totally abysmal; it is demonstrably deficient in consistent provision of even standard quality of care at a bare minimum, let alone on anything else.

Yes, that’s right, Possums, I’m attacking the health service. I am calling things the way they are without any sentiment or blind following of an emotional attachment to something that is no longer fit for purpose. Believing the NHS is world class, and a model of efficiency and quality right now is the same as believing in the tooth fairy.


And for the resident clown at the Downing Street circus to appoint someone who seriously believes any person can identify themselves as a Llama if they want is simply a bleep take. How on Earth are we to have any confidence that things will improve in the foreseeable future when we get a moron for a health minister.

The Labour Party are an absolute joke. They seem more capable in acquiring tickets to Taylor Swift concerts and Premier League football games than they are to enable ordinary Brits to even get an appointment with their GP.

Oh, hang on a second. Let’s join a herd of Llamas and maybe someone at the RSPCA will call the vet if we become poorly? What a bleep show! Really, Possums, it’s all too much.


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