
Social media bosses face jail if they fail to stop revenge porn and deep fakes! B

Sharing of intimate images now on par with terrorism, child sexual abuse and modern slavery under new laws

Georgia Harrison was a victim of image-based sexual abuse after her former boyfriend shared images of them having sex without her permission

Georgia Harrison, the Love Island star whose former boyfriend was jailed for sharing a video of them having sex, said: “As a victim of voyeurism and image-based sexual abuse, what shocked me the most is that certain platforms were not only spreading and advertising this harmful content, but also legally monetising it.

“This new legislation could have shielded me from such exploitation and, more importantly, validated that my voice matters. I earnestly hope tech companies will take this seriously and implement meaningful changes to their algorithms and corporate policies to prevent this type of abuse.

“It is inspiring to see the Government taking concrete steps to address the rise in violence against women and girls. Change is imperative, and this is a promising start and I thank them for supporting this crucial cause.”


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