
One thing about Rachel Reeves’ Labour Budget absolutely sickens me.l

Rachel Reeves

Rachel Reeves’ Budget made one thing abundantly clear (Image: PA)

Don’t know about you but I’m still reeling from the most catastrophic budget I’ve ever heard delivered in my lifetime. It’s a budget that will take us ricocheting back to the Seventies and consign us to being an irrelevant tin-pot little country that no wealth creator will touch.

Rachel Reeves’ incompetency, her lack of economic nous, her total ignorance of what actually makes a country grow, is staggering. She has launched a war not just on pensioners, but on working people, on savers, farmers, investors, small businesses and wealth creators – everything and everyone that makes a country grow. The woman has re-defined economic incompetency and already the Office for Budget Responsibility has said the budget’s net impact will be negative and THAT has spooked the markets.

But what’s clear now is we’re now being run by a spiteful, vengeful party that cares only about the 20% of Brits who work in the public sector and doesn’t give a stuff about the 80% in the private sector.

We have a Prime Minister and a Chancellor who are forever bigging up their economic and business credentials when it’s clear they haven’t a clue about either, particularly business (hence the £25billion tax grab on national insurance). And there isn’t a single person in the Cabinet with any business experience so how the hell is this country going to grow? Not by colossal borrowing and higher taxation, that’s for sure.

But it’s the lies that have sickened me – those pre-election lies where they promised their manifesto was fully costed and they wouldn’t need to impose higher taxes other than those they’d already outlined – and then Reeves throws £40billion worth of new ones at us; the promises about how they’d take care of the elderly and the vulnerable – and then proceeded to shaft them; the lies about how they wouldn’t tax working people and then proceeded to do exactly that with the biggest tax hike in political history; the lies about how they wouldn’t fiddle with the fiscal rules to borrow more money – and then did.

Remember how Rishi Sunak was derided for saying Labour’s tax rises would amount to £2,000 per family? Well it’s come in at a damn sight more than that at £2,342 AND almost eight million more people will be dragged into higher tax bands by 2029. This Government is a bunch of shysters who cheated the British people into voting for them and there should be some come back for their lies and them taking us for fools.

But however you cut it, it’s game over now for Britain. With this budget the best we can hope for is stagnation, but make no mistake higher inflation is coming, ditto higher mortgage rates. Jobs and businesses will be lost thanks to the tax rises and the latest rise to the national minimum wage.

And where once Britain was a place the wealthy wanted to do business, now it won’t be. Already 9,500 of the country’s richest have fled and more are going. And where entrepreneurs once flocked here now they’re not coming. And the result of that will be no growth. Because it isn’t governments that create growth – it’s business, and the Labour Party just stuck two fingers up at business.

This budget was an assault on the people Labour despises – employers, farmers, the aspirational, private schools, savers, the elderly, people who dare to save for their pensions and their futures. They spit on all those people to throw even more money at the already bloated and useless public sector. The first budget of any new government is a defining moment. And this Government just defined itself as a shower of fools.


Starmer and Reeves’ kind of socialism will never work here. Remember what Maggie Thatcher said: “The trouble with socialists is that they eventually run out of other people’s money.” And that’s exactly what’s going to happen here. Who knew when Labour said it was going to put Britain on a firmer footing they meant rock bottom?


A guide called How to Raise Anti-Racist Children says kids should use Monopoly to learn about white privilege. White players should be given more money, spend less time in jail and be given a head start on buying property to ram home the message of “white supremacy”.

What utter – racist – tosh. Why should we be teaching children in a country that is 82% white that being white is bad and something to be ashamed of? It’s no surprise this loony guidance for toy company Mattel was put together by a former BBC education consultant.

Surely the best anti-racist guidance we can give children is not to judge anyone by their skin colour – be it white, black or brown.


Rachel Reeves was positively boastful this week about the fact she’s the first ever female chancellor to deliver a budget. She forgets there have been three other women who have held the much higher office of Prime Minister – and all of them have been Tories.

The fact she’s Labour’s first woman chancellor isn’t testament to how good she is but how sexist and backward her party is!


Barmy woke bosses at Hackney Council have banned staff from starting letters with Dear Sir/Madam. Instead they must address people as colleagues (even if they’re not? ) or Dear Council Tax Payer.

In the council’s new guide it says calling people male or female is “dehumanising”. No, it really isn’t dehumanising to address someone by their biological gender. The morons at Hackney trying to push this dangerous agenda shouldn’t be in charge of a rubbish bin, let alone a borough. Staff should tell them to stick their new guidance where the sun don’t shine because they can’t get sacked for stating a biological fact.

Well, not yet!


The idiot David Lammy is still Foreign Secretary, Trump is still shouting about suing the Government for election interference, so I’m just wondering what happens to Britain next month if Trump is elected and he’ll only talk to Nigel Farage?


Remember Wes Streeting shouting the NHS would never change without root and branch reform which, he said, Labour was going to deliver? Fast forward to this week’s budget where the Queen of Thieves threw £22billion at the NHS (no reforms though) boasting it was the largest real term growth in health spending since 2010.

Now we hear more than half that money will be spent on staff pay rises and pensions. So, more lies from Labour and STILL a third-rate health service for us which won’t improve any time soon.


Nigella Lawson

Nigella is set to bring some glamour to Greggs (Image: Jason LaVeris/Filmagic)

I’m sure Greggs is thrilled Nigella is going to be starring in their Christmas ad this year but how authentic is it? Does anyone believe for a second that the woman often referred to as the Domestic Goddess or the Queen of Food has ever set foot in Greggs and sampled their famous cheese and onion pasties and steak bakes?


Of course not. Nigella’s a posh bird who’s more likely to get her Christmas fayre from Fortnum’s, not Greggs. I’m sure Greggs is paying her handsomely but does Nigella really need the cash that badly?

Because this collaboration really isn’t a good fit. In fact it’s verging on the unbelievable.


It’s no surprise Evri has been voted the country’s worst delivery firm. Never mind that they don’t turn when they say they will, that they just dump your parcels wherever they fancy – but rarely at your house – but, just recently, THREE times a driver refused to drop off a tin of paint outside my house because he said he couldn’t access my porch which is where I told Evri to leave stuff if I wasn’t in.

It was infuriating because my porch has no door, no sides and is totally open. So how couldn’t the driver access it? He even took a photo of said porch which clearly showed that 20 people could have just walked into it had they fancied.

I can only think he didn’t know what a porch was – not clever if you’re a delivery driver.


Paddy McGuinness and Christine Martin

Paddy and Christine have come to an arrangement (Image: Getty)

Paddy McGuiness is divorcing his wife Christine but the pair will still share the family’s £2.5million Cheshire home because McGuiness refuses to sell and still wants to come and go as he pleases. He says he now can’t afford to buy a house as big (because his career is struggling) and so doesn’t want to give up the marital mansion.

But why does he need a huge house if he’s living on his own and when he knows damn well his three kids are all autistic and need to stay in familiar surroundings, can’t move?

“Paddy is very much king of his castle when it comes to their house,” said a friend.

Sorry, but he sounds incredibly selfish and immature. How can his wife Christine start rebuilding her life – and having new relationships – if her ex is hanging around all the time?

Maybe McGuiness did buy the house when he was a big star earning big money – which he now isn’t – and he doesn’t want to relinquish the status it gave him. But surely his kids happiness and well-being are a damn sight more important than him having his ego fed by living in a flash mansion?


Audrey Hepburn never wrote a memoir – even though she was offered millions – because she thought she, and her life were too boring. What a pity her kind of humility doesn’t exist today when we have C list celebs – whose greatest achievement is a reality TV show appearance – churning out their banal “life” stories just to make a fast buck.


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