
No PM has had worse first 100 days than Starmer – the next 100 could trigger disaster_l

The other day I asked what was the point of Keir Starmer. It’s now 100 days since he became PM, and I still don’t know.


No postwar PM has made a worse start than hapless Keir Starmer (Image: Getty)

Is it to make Tory predecessor Rishi Sunk appear he was in control of events? Starmer’s certainly achieved that.

Or was his plan to make Boris Johnson appear a model of propriety? After grabbing a record £100,000 of freebies, Sir Keir is in a league of his own.

Or was it to make Liz Truss look like she came from planet earth? Job done. Like Calamity Liz, Starmer seems disconnected from the rest of us.

It’s now exactly 100 days since voters ended 14 years of Tory misrule, only to see it replaced by Labour misrule.

Starmer has made the worst start of any elected PM for a century, and it’s not me saying that.

Last week, left-wing commentator Will Hutton said Labour has made more early mistakes “than any postwar government”.

It’s been the political honeymoon from hell.

Truss was undeniably a bigger disaster. She brought the UK to the brink of financial meltdown.

But Truss only lasted 49 days. And she wasn’t elected by the country, just a hard-core of 81,326 deluded Tory party members.

Starmer was elected after a supposed landslide but he’s already squandered every ounce of voter goodwill.

He’s got so many things wrong – from scrapping the Winter Fuel Payment to grabbing more freebies than any other MP – but it’s what he’s doing to our economy that scares me most.

It didn’t take Starmer 100 days to crush the tentative recovery that Sunak and former chancellor Jeremy Hunt had built from the rubble of the Truss legacy.

He did that the moment he opened his mouth and decided to trash talk the UK, by magnifying the economic mess we’re in.

Doesn’t Starmer realise the point of a leader is to lead? Not bitch and blame others and make everybody feel even worse than they already did.

Then Starmer and Reeves doubled down. They terrified anybody with a shred of wealth by warning they were gunning for them in the autumn Budget.

Which at the time was almost four months away. That allowed plenty of time for panic to build and taxpayers to take evasive action.

And they’ve made good use of it. Expat planners are besieged by wealthy people plotting their escape.

Ordinary Brits are reviewing plans as Labour threatens their pensions, capital gains, inheritances and everything else.

Foreign investors are looking at the mess and thinking – no thanks. Yesterday deputy leader Angela Rayner cost the UK a cool £1billion worth of desperately needed investment, simply by opening her mouth.

Worse, HMRC‘s own figures suggested Reeves’ tax raids will cost the country more than they raise.

It’s like letting a bunch of children play with the controls to a wrecking ball.


Starmer’s only achievement in his first 100 days is to have united the country – against him. He’s scorned across the political spectrum.

The hard left still hate him for betraying their hero Jeremy Corbyn. Left-wing firebrand Owen Jones says far harsher things about Starmer than I ever would.

The party’s union backers are furious at the Winter Fuel Payment axe – just listen to Unite general secretary Sharon Graham on the subject – as are millions of pensioners who would never dream of voting Labour. Waspi women are on the brink of betrayal.

Big business is terrified, so are small businesses.

Reports suggest that an increasingly desperate Reeves is going to hike employer National Insurance, in an insane tax on jobs.

It gets worse and worse. And we haven’t even had the Budget yet. With Reeves looking to fiddle the fiscal rules to raise another £57billion, Labour could still do a Liz Truss and destroy everything.

If you thought Starmer’s first 100 days was bad, watch out. The next 100 could be catastrophic.


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