In an interview with the X Spaces program on September 16 (local time), Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump recounted for the first time the moment he was shielded by Secret Service and taken away from the golf course in a car after hearing gunshots.
“I was playing golf with some friends. All of a sudden we heard some gunshots. I think it was four or five. I didn’t know it was gunshots, but the Secret Service knew and they grabbed me. I thought it was another assassination attempt. Right away, the people on the course got into groups and everyone got in their cars and drove off. I had a Secret Service agent with me and he did a great job. We left the course without any problems,” Trump said.
On September 15, Mr. Trump was safely secured after multiple shots were fired at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida. This was the second assassination attempt on Mr. Trump in just two months. In July, he was also shot while campaigning in Pennsylvania.

The Republican candidate also praised a witness who helped agents apprehend the suspect . The witness saw the suspect running out of the bushes and took a photo of his car.
Based on the images collected, authorities arrested suspect Ryan Routh. The subject arrested in Martin County has been charged with two gun-related crimes. The FBI has not yet provided details about the suspect’s motive.
Former President Trump is now trying to regain political advantage over Democratic rival Kamala Harris after the September 15 assassination attempt.
By portraying Mr. Trump as “a fighter and survivor,” the former president’s campaign hopes to capture the attention of the American people, according to Bloomberg news agency.