
Martin Lewis reveals how to slash your water bills with one small change.H

Bills are set to soar next year – but these tips can help you save hundreds of pounds on your water bills.

Water bills and Martin Lewis

Water bills are set to soar – but this one small change could save you heaps of money.

With the cost of water bills set to rise in April 2025 Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis has revealed how to push them back down.

He says that some people have managed to cut hundreds of pounds off their bills by fitting water metres and subsequently cutting down on how much water they use – but this isn’t the only way to save money when it comes to water bills.


Money Saving Expert said over the next five years, bills could rise by £100 on average. Every April, water companies change the rates they charge customers. While typically rates go up, occasionally some reduce bills by a small amount.

You can’t switch water companies so many think saving on this bill isn’t possible but Martin Lewis’ tips are an easy way to reduce the amount you are paying.

√Martin Lewis advises that if there are more bedrooms in your home than people, or the same num ber, you should look into getting a metre.


But if you are refused a metre, you can ask to be placed on an assessed bill. This is when your bill is worked out on details such as how many people live in your home, but it varies from company to company.

Another tip could work for you if you’re on a low income – by checking if you qualify for a social tariff.

If you earn no more than around £21,000 a year, you may be eligible. About 5.7 million households are eligible but have not yet made a claim.

For those on benefits who live in a metered household – you could also be eligible for the WaterSure scheme.



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