
Kübelwagen loaded with troops showing its versatility on uneven terrain during testing, circa 1940 ww2dbase.H

Kübelwagen loaded with troops showing its versatility on uneven terrain during testing, circa 1940

Kübelwagen loaded with troops showing its versatility on uneven terrain during testing, circa 1940

Waffen-SS troops in Yugoslavia, 1941; note 5 cm PaK 38 gun, Kübelwagen vehicle, MG 34 machine gun

Waffen-SS troops in Yugoslavia, 1941; note 5 cm PaK 38 gun, Kübelwagen vehicle, MG 34 machine gun

Kübelwagen vehicles of  the German Afrikakorps operating in desert conditions, 1940-1943, photo 2 of 3; note the oversize tires that offered better performance on soft surfaces like sand


Kübelwagen vehicles of the German Afrikakorps operating in desert conditions, 1940-1943, photo 2 of 3; note the oversize tires that offered better performance on soft surfaces like sand


Kübelwagen vehicles of the German Afrikakorps operating in desert conditions, 1940-1943, photo 3 of 3; note the oversize tires that offered better performance on soft surfaces like sand

Kübelwagen vehicles of the German Afrikakorps operating in desert conditions, 1940-1943, photo 3 of 3; note the oversize tires that offered better performance on soft surfaces like sand


German driver operating a jack in changing a tire on a Kübelwagen in Sicily, Italy, 1943

German driver operating a jack in changing a tire on a Kübelwagen in Sicily, Italy, 1943


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