Kübelwagen loaded with troops showing its versatility on uneven terrain during testing, circa 1940 ww2dbase.H
Kübelwagen loaded with troops showing its versatility on uneven terrain during testing, circa 1940 |
Waffen-SS troops in Yugoslavia, 1941; note 5 cm PaK 38 gun, Kübelwagen vehicle, MG 34 machine gun |
Kübelwagen vehicles of the German Afrikakorps operating in desert conditions, 1940-1943, photo 2 of 3; note the oversize tires that offered better performance on soft surfaces like sand
Kübelwagen vehicles of the German Afrikakorps operating in desert conditions, 1940-1943, photo 3 of 3; note the oversize tires that offered better performance on soft surfaces like sand
German driver operating a jack in changing a tire on a Kübelwagen in Sicily, Italy, 1943 |