
Keir Starmer’s trail of broken promises proves we can’t trust a word from his mouth.H

Keeping track of slippery Starmer’s broken promises is like trying to pin down fog. But a big one before the election was that he was going to stop putting migrants in hotels, on barges and on military sites. He didn’t say where he was going to put them but it sure as Hell wasn’t going to be in hotels.

He said they wouldn’t need to put in hotels because Labour “has a serious plan to end the wasteful spending on hotels and we will return people who shouldn’t be here.”

He said there was enough accommodation to house the migrants we currently have coming here but definitely NO MORE HOTELS!!!!!

Cut to this week when we’re told Labour will be putting migrants in hotels for the next three years at a cost of £4.2M a day because the asylum backlog they said they could easily clear – can’t be cleared. Is anything that comes out of this ridiculous man’s mouth true?

Keir Starmer

So where IS this “ serious plan” he was boasting about that would stop migrants having to be put in hotels because currently we have 30,000 of them living in 250 hotels – people who are going to have access to very expensive room service for years to come.

In fact while we’re at it where is his plan to stop the boats which he said was “ready to go”? Where’s his plan for his big new Border Command Force which was going to stop people coming here? Oh hang on that isn’t operational yet mainly because Starmer can’t find anyone stupid enough to run it.

Because whoever takes that job knows it’s a poison chalice and they know that when it fails – which it will – they will get the blame.

Starmer also told us the Tories had cocked up immigration because they weren’t processing migrants quickly enough and labour would because it was going to employ 1,000 new caseworkers for the Home office to fast track applicants. Have they done that yet? Have they Hell!



He promised to set up Nightingale courts to process people faster. Have they done that? Have they hell! It’s clear now Labour and Starmer never had a plan to stop the boats. It was all just hot air. In fact since they came to power migrants have been arriving in record numbers – more than 10,000 since the election.

We’re getting as many as 700 some days all of whom have to be clothed, housed, fed and given free healthcare. Mass immigration is one of THE most important issues for the people of this country and Kier Starmer and his hapless government don’t give a damn about it. He proved that when on his first day he power when he scrapped the only deterrent we might have had to stop the boats – the Rwanda plan.

And he scrapped that with nothing to replace it. Now Germany wants to use the facilities WE paid for in Rwanda to process THEIR illegal immigrants. So if Rwanda is good enough for Germany’s migrants why are the Left here screaming that it’s some inhumane hell hole when its actually one of the most prosperous and civilised countries in Africa.

In scrapping Rwanda Starmer basically sent a message to all of sub Saharan Africa to come to soft touch Britain. And they are coming in their tens of thousands and we have nowhere to put them. He also sent a message to the traffickers and made clear there’s nothing he can, or wants to do to stop them.

So they too are working overtime to bring people here. Starmer’s forever saying Britain’s failed immigration system is down to the Tories when its Labour and the lefty lawyers who have stood in the way of everything the Tories tried to do to control immigration.

They dragged the Rwanda plan through the courts and through the House of Lords, they blocked deportations, they tried to scrap barges like the Bibby Stockholm. And now they’re in a position to do something about immigration – they’re just ignoring the problem. It wasn’t even mentioned at the recent Labour conference.

Taxpayers here are being taken for fools because for years we’ve been sold the lie that immigration is good for the economy. It isn’t. The Office for Budget Responsibility has declared that low paid migrants workers cost taxpayers £150,000 each and are an immediate drain on the public purse.

Kemi Badenoch said last week it wasn’t fair that migrants were using Britain as a one big dormitory where they come to make money: “Because it’s our home” she said. And she’s right. But some days it just doesn’t feel like home any more. It does feel like one big dormitory where the needs of illegal migrants who’ve contributed nothing to this country are put above the needs of British people who have. And that isn’t right or fair!


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