
Keir Starmer will ‘take the knee’ to the EU he wishes we were in.H

Sir Keir Starmer wants a ‘reset’ of relations with the EU which has Tories worried (Image: Getty)

They say you should never meet your heroes.

But on Monday, in Brussels, that’s exactly what Sir Keir Starmer is doing. Taking the knee to the European Union he wishes we were still in.

Five years after Britain has left the EU, like a crazy ex who won’t stop messaging, he still hasn’t moved on.

Starmer didn’t just oppose Brexit. After he lost in 2016, Starmer made it his life’s mission to reverse the people’s will.

After this generational vote of confidence in Britain, he voted to block it 48 times in Parliament. Energetically campaigning for second referendum and free movement of people. And he has consistently called for closer alignment with EU against the interest of Britain.

Whichever way you cut it, this is man who can’t even imagine a Britain that is confident of our place in the world, where the sun never sets on our horizons and our potential as Britannia is unchained.

But, like Express readers, I can.

Starmer has his head in the sand, determined to deny the many successes Brexit has brought Britain.

We have cut VAT on a range of products – like axing the motorhome tax I pushed through Parliament. We have signed trade deals with the fastest growing economies in the world, including round the pacific rim, uniting against Chinese expansionism. And we delivered the fastest vaccine at pace, allowing us to bounce back from the pandemic far quicker than the continent.

All of these things, Sir Keir Starmer personally tried to delay, block and frustrate however he could. Now he is in Number 10, he will try and kill Brexit with a death by a thousand cuts. He is already talking about taking hundreds of thousands more EU migrants, sacrificing our sovereignty and shackling ourselves to EU regulations wherever possible.


Brexit was a vote of confidence in Britain. I felt the wave of optimism for a Britain out, and back into when we left the European Union. But this is something Starmer just doesn’t get.

Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t believe in Britain.

If Starmer really meant it when he said repeatedly that he would put country before party, he would stop making longing noises towards the EU and instead look beyond to the world of opportunity – including our closest ally – America.

While European economies like France and Germany are flatlining, America is taking off.

A US trade deal would be the ultimate prize of Brexit. For anyone who doesn’t have a thinly veiled desire to rejoin Europe, this deal would unleash opportunities for British businesses to benefit from international trade like never before.

We laid the foundations for it, negotiating with President Trump in his first term. Now he’s back in the White House, the appetite for it in Washington is there. Despite this, it clearly isn’t in Downing Street. It beggars belief given the possibility of tariffs.

Increased trade with the US could add billions to the economy, raise wages and undo some of the damage caused by Labour’s economic mismanagement. It could also be the silver bullet to growth Starmer is allegedly looking for. Instead, he is dithering and delaying while we all get poorer.

Despite the Prime Minister’s efforts, our country’s best days are ahead of us. Britain is a land of opportunity, not a country to apologise for. It’s why I will always champion a Brexit Britain. And I look forward to making the post of our new opportunities, not mourn a declining EU like they clearly still are in Downing Street.

Starmer’s Britainis holding Britain back in a world that is changing. Our economy is flatlining, inflation is ticking up and we are giving away strategic assets, like our fisheries and the Chagos Islands, left, right and centre.

Making the most of our post-Brexit freedoms is one of Britain’s major competitive advantages. After five long years outside his beloved EU, it’s about time Starmer puts aside his sour grapes and embraces Brexit Britain. It’s in all of our best interests.


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