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- Keir Starmer, if you’re serious about growth why haven’t you made this key deal?
Keir Starmer, if you’re serious about growth why haven’t you made this key deal?
Sir Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves have repeatedly used the language of growth, but their actions are lacking.

The times they are a changing, sang Bob Dylan in the 1960s. And once again the world is shifting.
We have the innovation and economic implications of the AI, the fifth Industrial Revolution, possibilities of biotech and the promise of fusion energy. All these things have the potential for mischief and risk, as so often in the past however, human progress depends on creative disruption and it is those people and nations who embrace and own it who become rich.
But there are of course the naysayers — the Inquisition of Cancel Culture and the Don Quixotes tilting at the windmills of old technologies and false icons, not least mad Ed Milliband.
The Trumpian geopolitical tilt away from Europe and towards the economic growth powerhouse of the Pacific rim definitely marks a change which will have profound consequences as yet to be defined, but it is certain that the UK needs to be on the correct side of that pivot.
Fortunately, Brexit Britain is free to make our own policies, both economic and foreign. We are part of the Trans Pacific economic partnership.
We have trade deals with countries across the globe, beyond those of the EU, and as part of the five eyes arrangement and AUKUS, have defence interests in common with the English speaking peoples of the USA , Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
Not only are the times changing, but they are changing in a way that presents a massive opportunity to even a half competent government of the United K ingdom.
The US pivot towards Asia also marks the moment in time when the EU is officially in danger of consigning itself to terminal decline and irrelevance in world affairs.
It has certainly diminished beyond belief in the last 50 years and has become a Disneyland of Wokery, self-doubt and false idols, not least Greenery, denying the obviously central and overriding fact that might is right and might depends on economic strength.
The old adage goes that “those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad” and the “let them eat cake” establishment of the EU has indeed fallen into madness.
The USA has come along like the horseman of the apocalypse and the EU is still reeling. Never has there been a greater evocation of the Emperor having no clothes. The shibboleths of the rotten EU establishment are naked and exposed.
It now remains to be seen whether Sir Keir et al are capable of making this new reality into a golden opportunity.
Although they have fallen into the malaise of terminal decline and false idols it is not too late, not least because the UK has the freedom to change on a sixpence, afforded by Brexit. Our PM may prove to be the perfect person to take advantage of this, having no principles and able to be ultra-economical with the truth, he too can pivot for power. The starting point is economic growth and a major booster would be a trade deal with the USA.
There is a generally held maxim that businesses which export are more competitive and better at what they do. Whether this is because the more competitive businesses are better able to compete in export markets or that those who operate in overseas markets become better in the face of competition is open to debate.
Either way trade is good for businesses and the economy. It is also good for consumers, the cost of living and therefore inflation. Given the technological innovation and inventive nature of the USA and that it is our largest individual export market, it must be particularly true of trade with the USA.
Also a maxim is that the benefit of trade deals is often underestimated, as has been shown across the globe. The totality of benefits are often unforeseen at the time the deal is made. Also, multiplier effects of supply chains, the benefits of competition and bringing down costs are missed. A US/UK deal would be no exception. Given the possibility of tariffs the benefits of a deal by comparison with no deal, are likely to be even greater.
Also often underestimated are the benefits of imports. Too many officials, politicians and economists are mercantilists by nature.
We should leave protectionism to the French and the Germans and instead recognise the classical, liberal economic benefits of lower cost, better-quality imports. These create enhanced consumer choice, driving down costs for citizens – who can then spend the money they save on other things – and for businesses as supply chains become cheaper. Also, additional competition drives efficiency, without damage if fair and timely. In other words, when it comes to trade, imports are as important as exports. Protection against US and other non-EU imports is all too often merely protectionism to defend inadequate EU producers from external competition in the UK market.
The world is changing as never before. Britain needs to embrace a new reality, become an innovation powerhouse and focus on growth above all else, including through open trade with the world and particularly the USA. Perhaps then we will see the super growth in the economy that we so desperately need.