
Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves’ treatment of pensioners is despicable _ Hieuuk

Keir Starmer

Starmer is pictured marking 40 years of London Fashion Week (Image: PA)

Appalling politicking from Labour always accompanies their usual tax and spend spree in government. Since being swept to power on a landslide achieved with just 34 percent of registered voter support, they have taken a wrecking ball to the economy and our general existence with steroid infused zeal.

Radical lefties are driving this deranged agenda. Amid this manic rush to transform Britain into God knows what sits the rallying point of a grotesque lie. Let’s take a break for a second and talk about our pensioners, and that’s all our pensioners, Possums! Every single one of them.

I think everyone can agree that British pensioners are amongst the most vulnerable members of our society. They have worked hard; they have saved for their retirement and deserve the full spectrum of benefits to which they are entitled, and that INCLUDES their winter fuel payment, along with their health care and medication too, of course.

There was no impact assessment conducted to specifically address the potential effects of this idiotic policy before railroading it through parliament. Starmer and co just brutally deprive our pensioners of such an important source of financial support.

Labour cites a yet to be proven Tory concealed overspend leaving a twenty-two billion quid “black hole” in the public finances as justification for “urgent savings”. They then piously disclaim any advance knowledge and blame the Tories for all ills before they start handing out across the board inflation-busting public sector wage hikes.

Rachel Reeves

Rachel Reeves snatched away the winter fuel allowance for many pensioners (Image: PA)

An alarmingly autocratic Keir Starmer perched on his plank behind his lectern looks directly into the camera with a straight face waffling about being honest with the public (being anything but of course) telling us about the scale of the mess left by the last government.

“We could never have imagined” he intoned “that what we inherited could have been as bad as it is” before continuing “we have had to make some tough decisions”. Where’s the barf bag?


Most of us with any common sense knew this was coming, yet most of us never expected a torrent of bare-faced porkies being spewed in such a short space of time. Starmer has taken a leaf out of the Democrat play book from the other side of the pond by dishonestly distorting the narrative so brazenly and ducking real accountability at the same time.

Devious, deceitful, and outright cowardice, force-feeding REAL WORKING (and habitually law-abiding) PEOPLE with this toxic gruel!

Scapegoating a brutal course of action to cover your bleep in justification of the indefensible is about as cowardly as you can possibly get. Juxtaposing your actions with capitulation to your union paymaster demands only adds further insult to those who must shoulder the ultimate burden.

Paying them off, rewarding cretinous JUNIOR doctors (residents my bleep), unleashing a range of tax bombshells whilst treating our pensioners with such contempt is obscene.

Regardless of means, social standing, background, or any other conceivable demographic, pensioners deserve respect, they’re entitled to their dignity too. Their meagre benefits are a mere trifle next to the extent of benefit many elected officials claim, notably a string of Labour MPs copping heating subsidies on their SECOND homes amongst many others.

Most pensioners historically receiving winter fuel allowances have an average annual income of a mere thirteen thousand quid or thereabouts, yet Labour MPs being paid many times more get taxpayer funded subsidies so they can stay warm in winter. What the bleep is wrong with any country that allows for that?

To round off all this, as if it wasn’t enough, there’s sleaze and nepotism raising its ugly head, although, to be fair, that’s not only a Labour issue, since many Tories were likewise inclined. But Two-Tier gleefully accepts freebies AND Lady Vic cashes in too. He then brazenly not only tries to justify it but also suggests he’ll continue accepting such largesse.

With the rest of the reprehensible Labour hordes similarly burying their snouts in the trough one seriously needs to question where any evidence of integrity lies.


Another example in this appalling and unfolding fiasco is the ominous larger than life “influence” of Sue Gray and her network of politically tainted mandarins presently infesting Whitehall. How this woman and her ilk can exist in that bubble of biased opportunism seemingly designed to shield Labour from any scrutiny whatsoever is staggering.

I knew a lovely old lady once who never complained, who paid her bills and her taxes in full and on time, and who was ultimately treated very shabbily by the country of her birth. She eventually went to stay with her eldest son who was based in SE Asia at the time and who took care of her and saw to it she got everything she needed, and it didn’t cost the state one cent.

She passed away two years ago not knowing the extent to which England had descended into across-the-board mediocrity. She fortunately isn’t around to see other people like her get used, abused and trashed by a heartless and shameful government led by a moronic autocrat. This dear old thing was a British pensioner with only a small stipend to show for the huge taxes she paid all her life. She was my mum and I am disgusted that those in elected office are so despicable to ten million other people just like she was….a pensioner.

We the voters can do sweet bleep all about Starmer and his cronies for the next five years. Two-Tier and his profligate chancellor paint a gloomy picture founded on a bed of lies. If this lot are ever allowed to get away with it, then God help this country.


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