
Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves could be forcing a General Election on Labour

 Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves could be forcing a General Election on Labour
Our fearless Chancellor has discovered a single word mantra, Possums; Growth. The Princess of Thieves and her neighbour in Downing Street, Two-Tier, have latched on to this one and are both chanting it incessantly. Growth Growth Growth Growth…

Passing by on a stroll along Whitehall one can almost hear the monotonous hum coming from behind the gates blocking Downing Street from the outside world. In fact, the UK is positively an echo chamber with all the amplification plied in the print, broadcast and on social media.

As we all know, don’t we, soundbites can be intentionally misleading, which in this case can only be fully comprehended by considering the relevant facts. Only by measuring the government’s policy agenda against the consequences, potential or otherwise, of their actions in office thus far can we even begin to make any sense of the cackle barrage.

Change was an often-used catchphrase during the election campaign, and it is still considered to have sufficient traction to resonate a bit longer with the punters. Well, let’s take a look-see at some of what this “change” entails, shall we?

“Fix” the public finances left in a perilous state by the previous government (bit of a stretch that one); set the stage for economic growth with massive state funded infrastructure and

housebuilding projects; attract fixed investment into a growing vibrant economy creating lots of jobs and all will be tickety-boo. Whoaaa, not so fast, Possums, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. This blarney about benefiting “working people”, besides being disingenuously vague, is absolute cobblers.

Since this miserable bunch of bleepers won the election, they have done three entirely predictable yet shameful things. They have piled on the tax misery across the board; they have caved in to their union paymasters by dishing out massive inflation busting public sector pay rises; and they have gorged themselves on a borrowing binge considerably elevating the national debt by splurging on God knows what.

The Labour Government have unleashed a total moron to blanket our green and pleasant land (what’s left of it) with vast banks of solar panels and wind turbines. They have given Angela Rayner a free hand in further blighting our pristine countryside with one and half million new homes this parliament, although whether this is achievable is debatable. More significantly, it has also been announced that Two-Tier wants to stifle public objections to remove delay in planning permission being approved. And last, but certainly not least, Rayner has also opened Pandora’s box with the new workers charter, which doesn’t enhance any employer’s willingness to offer new jobs, in fact there is emerging evidence of workforce downsizing and shrinkage.


Despite all the theatrics ahead, Two-Tier has confirmed a string of damaging policies, including his Chancellor’s twenty-five billion quid National Insurance raid, will proceed.

This announcement has prompted critics to strongly suggest ministers “unblock the barriers to growth they have created [for] themselves”, which includes the Chancellor’s ‘job tax’, Rayner’s pet “workers’ rights charter”, and Red Ed’s ban on new oil and gas exploration in the North Sea; the bottom line is all will continue as planned.

Yesterday, Two-Tier climbed on the growth bandwagon too, writing in The Times: “A change in the economic weather can only ever come from a supply-side expansion of the nation’s productive power. In the 1980s, the Thatcher government deregulated finance capital. In the New Labour era, globalisation increased the opportunities for trade. This is our equivalent”.

The Princess of Thieves gave a major speech in Oxfordshire, in which she said she is ready to prioritise growth by tearing up planning rules, curbing regulation and taking on the “blockers”, insisting that low growth “is not our destiny”, whilst almost prophetically warning at the same time that it “will not come without a fight”.

Allow all that to sink in for a second and consider this. The tune being sung, softly to begin, highlights deregulation and expansion of the supply side, as opposed to the demand side of the economy.

Didn’t Liz Truss hold to this standard as the centrepiece of her short-lived tenure in office? Interestingly, highlighting their total hypocrisy and gross opportunism this Labour shower of shysters have the brass nerve to tout their pedigree in the era of globalization under Blair, which has morphed into the very epitome of au tocracy; massive protectionism dressed up with enough red tape to gift-wrap a fleet of battleships.


Economic growth must be driven by the private sector not the state as Labour mostly seems convinced is the most practical. It’s all well and good stimulating economic growth, creating jobs to provide the infrastructure and services that people need, but at what cost?

Who is financing this government led bonanza? Unchecked, or at least very loosely disciplined government spending without an adequate offset of a return on that investment drives up borrowing costs as the recent blips in the gilts market clearly demonstrated.

Affordability goes hand in hand with sustainability. So, if you’re taxing our businesses and individuals out of existence how do you maintain the revenue stream needed to support these ambitions in the first place? Add in another factor, namely the new workers charter which is anything but employer friendly and you have a toxic mix that depresses rather than enhances the climate for growth you claim you wish to see.

The engine of wealth creation is small business that thrives in a lesser regulated environment, but it drowns in a sea of regulation and, crucially, where any tangible incentive to grow is stifled, eventually it becomes non-existent. The wealth creation that the private sector enables comes from the supply side, which creates and enhances the tax base which in turn funds the services we need.

Basically, this bunch of nincompoops have got things bleep about face, wanting to make and enforce the rules at the same time. Two-Tier and the Princess have also set themselves up for a massive internal party rebellion, which is only going to get worse. The more they try chipping away at the core and totally discredited socialist narrative to which they all maintain they aspire, the more the Labour grassroots will feel betrayed.

But maybe this is all a good thing because if there is an implosion then there will be little choice but to call a general election whence Two-Tier and his band of pirates will get the boot. Good riddance!


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