
Humiliation for Keir Starmer as shock poll reveals he’s Britain’s ‘second-worst’ PM_l

A new poll from Ipsos shows that the Prime Minister’s net approval rating is just 25 percent.

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer has an approval rating of just 25 percent (Image: Getty)

Keir Starmer has been left humiliated as a shock poll reveals he is Britain’s ‘second-worst’ PM, according to one key metric, after his first few months in Downing Street have been overshadowed by riots, winter fuel payment backlash and a scandal over gifts.

A new poll from Ipsos, the UK’s oldest pollster, shows that the Prime Minister’s current approval rate is just 25 percent, down from 36 percent in July of this year.

This is one of the worst approval ratings after 77 days in office, according to the Financial Times. He is only beaten by Liz Truss, who had an approval rating of just eight percent by the end of her 45 days in office.


The poll results come just days after the PM came under scrutiny for the gifts he has accepted from various donors, worth a total of more than £100,000.

Starmer has been gifted more freebies and hospitality than any other MP since 2019, having accepted clothes for himself and his wife as well as football and concert tickets.

Liz Truss

Liz Truss had the worst PM approval ratings (Image: Getty)

Forty-two percent of the 1,082 people asked by Ipsos believe Starmer is doing a bad job, up from 14 percent in July.

Both Margaret Thatcher’s and David Cameron’s ratings took a hit in their first terms – but not as much as Starmer’s have now. Both of those respective lows came after the Budgets of 1981 and 2012.


This puts pressure on Starmer’s upcoming budget on October 30 where Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves will outline Labour’s fiscal plans.

Ipsos found that 33 percent of people feel the Labour government is doing a better job than the previous Conservative one.

Thirty-two percent said they were doing worse and 28 percent said it was about the same. Half of those asked (50 percent) said they are disappointed in what the Labour Party has done in government so far.

Twenty-two percent said they were pleased and 24 percent said they were neither pleased nor disappointed with the new Laboutr Government.


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