
Few of us are immune to the pleasures of gifts, but the PM is not blameless either _ Hieuuk

Sir Keir Starmer

Sir Keir Starmer has to set an example to the nation. (Image: Getty)

Normally I won’t hear a word against my fellow journalists. I even married one for heaven’s sake. But I do get a little uneasy when my esteemed colleagues start sounding off about people in public life who get free stuff.

The Prime Minister and his wife are currently in the stocks because of his designer glasses and her dresses, given by Lord Alli in return for a Number 10 pass.

I’m enjoying seeing the sanctimonious Left being held to account and being forced to make a U-turn on accepting free clothes. But there are very few of us in the media who, hand on heart, can say we have not accepted freebies at some time.

You could argue that it is fair enough for book reviewers to get free books, theatre reviewers to get free tickets, travel writers to get free holidays and beauty writers to get free face cream. These are legitimate perks without which you could not do your job.

But sometimes you are offered jollies for no other reason than that the organisation offering the jolly thinks you may be a useful contact – and that if they scratch your back, you will reciprocate.

Meanwhile, the crumbs from the table enjoyed by humble hacks are as nothing compared with the industrial-scale freeloading of influencers on social media, who – with their millions of followers – wield enormous economic power.

The paradox is the very people who can afford to buy stuff – like the Starmers – often get it for free because that is the way the world works. Quid pro quo.

That said, the faint whiff of hypocrisy which clings to those who have sounded off about the Prime Minister does not mean that he is blameless. Hypocrites are exceptionally good at recognising the same fault in others and few of us are immune to the pleasures of gifts and perks, though mostly we only have to wrestle with our own consciences.

The Prime Minister, in contrast, has to set an example to the nation and has to be squeaky clean. As far as I can see he is culpable on three counts.

The first is he promised to do crony-free politics and then takes this massive goody bag from Labour donor Lord Alli – free designer specs for himself, personal shopper and free alterations for the wife.

The second is that he admits to declaring these gifts a little tardily as though that was his only mistake. Wrong. He should have refused them on principle. The Starmers can afford their own clothes.

The third is that this mini scandal makes Lady S look like a bimbo trophy wife which is unfortunate in this day and age.

Voters will not forget this. Starmer has warned us of grim times ahead while his wife gets to parade around in free frocks looking pleased with herself.

One rule for them and another for us? Out of touch? It wasn’t just the Conservatives after all.


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