
Billionaire Mark Cuban sends poll to parents asking if Trump or Kamala is a better role model for their kids – and is shocked by the result_l

Mark Cuban was curious whether his followers on X think that Donald Trump or Kamala Harris is a better role model for children.

Despite the billionaire’s vocal opposition to Trump over the years, the former president overwhelmingly won the informal social media poll.

‘Who’s persona and character would you like to see young children grow up to have,’ Cuban posed to his 8.8 million followers with the options being the 2024 Republican and Democratic candidates.

Of the 804,173 votes cast in the survey posted to X on Friday, 68.9 percent say that they would prefer their kids look up to Trump and 31.1 percent said Harris.

The poll earned a flurry of comments, including Trending Politics co-owner Collin Rugg posting a video of Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy explaining why people don’t need to personally like a person they vote for as president.

Billionaire Shark Tank host Mark Cuban's poll on X asked followers and users if they would rather their children have Donald Trump or Kamala Harris as a role model

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Billionaire Shark Tank host Mark Cuban’s poll on X asked followers and users if they would rather their children have Donald Trump or Kamala Harris as a role model

The poll earned more than 800,000 votes and resulted in 68.9 percent preferring Trump as a role model over the 31.1 percent  who said Harris was their preference

The poll earned more than 800,000 votes and resulted in 68.9 percent preferring Trump as a role model over the 31.1 percent who said Harris was their preference

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‘Some people don’t like President Trump and I know some people don’t like Vice President Harris. But I would remind folks that you’re not picking a spouse here or a life partner. You’re picking the President of the United States,’ the Republican Senator said in the video.

Kennedy concluded: ‘And that decision – your decision – should be based on the candidates’ policies and their records.’

Several MAGA users repeated right-wing claims that Harris slept her way into top positions within California politics as a reason why they wouldn’t want their daughters looking up to the vice president.

Cuban said that he was an initial supporter of Trump when he launched his 2016 campaign and even said at the time in 2015 that he would consider being his running mate.

Trending Politics co-owner Collin Rugg posted a video of Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy in response to Cuban's post explaining why people don't need to personally like a person they vote for as president

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Trending Politics co-owner Collin Rugg posted a video of Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy in response to Cuban’s post explaining why people don’t need to personally like a person they vote for as president

Many responses were aimed at attacking Vice President Kamala Harris' professional history and claims that she 'slept her  way to the top' in California politics

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Many responses were aimed at attacking Vice President Kamala Harris’ professional history and claims that she ‘slept her way to the top’ in California politics

The Dallas Mavericks minority owner and Shark Tank host spoke with former 2024 candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on August 7 on X spaces and explained: ‘In 2015, I was like, ‘He’s great. He’s not a typical Stepford candidate.’ I thought that was a positive.’

‘A big part of that is I didn’t think he had a chance,’ he went on. ‘I just wanted to kind of screw things up in traditional politics, which I’m not a fan of.’

But Cuban was quick this summer to back Harris when she became the presumptive nominee at the end of July.

Valentina Gomez, who lost her Republican bid for Missouri Secretary of State earlier this month, was among those who responded to Cuban’s post on Friday with criticism of Harris’ professional history.

‘Mark, you have daughters,’ she wrote. ‘Would you like your daughters to sleep with billionaires to get into powerful positions in politics, sports, or business? If you don’t, Trump is your answer.’


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