Labour Donor Resigns from Treasury Role Amid Explosive ‘Cronyism’ Allegations—Is Starmer’s Party in Crisis? H
Ian Corfield resigns as official to Rachel Reeves as ministers deny giving preferential treatment to funders Labour donor quits Treasury role amid ‘cronyism’ claims Ian Corfield resigns as official to Rachel Reeves as ministers deny giving preferential treatment to funders…
Keir Starmer Sounds the Alarm: Brace for Hardship as Labour Faces the Challenge of Repairing ‘Tory Ruins.H
British people will have to endure even worse economic and social pressures in the months to come as the Labour government takes “unpopular decisions” to rebuild the country from “rubble and ruin” left by the Tories, Keir Starmer will warn this week….
Post-Pandemic Shock: Over a Quarter of Pupils Suspended in Fifty English Secondary Schools—What’s Behind the Drastic Spike?H
The proportion of schools suspending large numbers of pupils has risen sharply since schools were closed during Covid. Composite: Guardian Design/Alamy The proportion of schools suspending large numbers of pupils has risen sharply since schools were closed during Covid. Composite: Guardian Design/Alamy…
Is Downing Street Preparing for a Heartbreaking Farewell? Officials Draft Plans to Announce the Death of Beloved Larry the Cat.H
Downing Street officials are preparing a “media plan” to announce the eventual passing of Larry the cat, The Independent understands. Larry has become a widely loved fixture of Downing Street and is often seen outside the door to Number 10 during major political events…
Is Starmer’s Labour Party Truly Under the Thumb of ‘Union Paymasters’? Investigating the Alleged Financial Grip and Its Impact on Leadership.H
Since last month’s general election, Sharon Graham, the general secretary of the Unite trade union, has held face-to-face meetings with a string of key secretaries of state. As she says, in many leading economies, that would barely merit a mention,…
Are Starmer and Labour Secretly Controlled by ‘Union Paymasters’? Uncovering the Power Struggle Behind the Party’s Allegiances
.H PM faces pitfalls navigating what are crucial relationships but claims by jilted Tories don’t ring true, say experts Share Since last month’s general election, Sharon Graham, the general secretary of the Unite trade union, has held face-to-face meetings with…
Step Back into 1970s Germany: Rare Color Photos by Tom Burnham Capture the Iconic Tram System.H
system in Germany during the 1970s. (Photos by Tom Burnham)
Kein Internet, kein Telefon, kein iPad – so fanden unsere Großeltern früher Freude in ihrer Kindheit.H
Für heutige Kinder ist es möglicherweise schwer vorstellbar, dass Kinder in den 1950er Jahren Spaß hatten. Es gab nicht nur keine Videospiele, auch Kinderfernsehprogramme gab es kaum noch, da das Medium damals noch in den Kinderschuhen steckte. Dennoch waren sie…
In the Shadow of the Berlin Wall: How Economic Competition Fueled the Rivalry Between East and West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s.H
During the 1960s and 1970s, following the construction of the Berlin Wall, economic competition was a driving force for both East and West Germany.East Germany’s Planned Economy (Planwirtschaft) emphasized production. The Government, i.e., the Party, determined what goods were to…
50 Fascinating Color Photos That Capture Street Scenes of Germany in 1963.H
These fascinating photos which captured street scenes of Germany were taken by Roger W during his summer-long trip in Europe in 1963. “I had seen much of Germany while I was in the Army in 1960-1961. I concentrated on places I had not…