Keir Starmer News Old UK

Britain is burning and Keir Starmer has been holding the matches for 99 days! B

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer is holding the match while Britain burns (Image: Getty)

Britain is spiralling into chaos under Labour’s disastrous first 100 days. After the Tories were rightly trashed in the last general election for their incompetence, the British public hoped for a fresh start. Instead, we’ve been plunged into deeper dysfunction.

Keir Starmer’s Labour government is proving to be a catastrophe, bungling policy after policy and betraying the British people at every turn. If these first 100 days are any indication, we’ve gone from out of the frying pan and into the fire.

One of Labour’s earliest blunders was Rachel Reeves claiming the nation faced a £22 billion black hole in public finances. Yet, they’ve refused to release any details, even after a Freedom of Information request was submitted. What are they hiding? Are they fabricating a fiscal crisis to justify the inevitable tax hikes? Incompetence and secrecy seem to define this government.

Within days of taking office, Labour scrapped Winter Fuel Payments, a cruel blow to pensioners that wasn’t even in their manifesto. At the same time, they’ve granted inflation-busting pay rises to their union allies. A government that claimed to be “for the people” is clearly serving its own interests, not the hardworking British public.

Then there’s Labour’s vindictive “envy tax” on independent schools, which will only strain our already overstretched state system. Meanwhile, violent offenders are being released early while Labour targets people over social media posts. Lawlessness on the streets is ignored, but free speech is clamped down upon with a heavy hand. This is Starmer’s Britain where twisted priorities and a two-tier judiciary reign.

Labour’s waste of taxpayer money is staggering. Nearly £12 billion has been squandered on green foreign aid, and they’ve blown £22 billion more on experimental carbon capture technology. All while gearing up for new tax hikes in their October ‘Halloween’ budget. Hardworking Britons are footing the bill for Labour’s virtue-signalling, while economic stability erodes.

As for the small boats crisis, Labour has done nothing. Since taking office, over 13,000 illegal immigrants have entered the UK, with no plan to stop them as they ditch their strap line of “Smash the gangs”.

Labour promised to clean up cronyism, but all we’ve seen is more of the same. James Murray now chairs the HMRC board, despite being a government minister—a first. Sue Gray, who played a key role in ousting Boris Johnson, was rewarded with a cushy job as Starmer’s Chief of Staff before being ousted herself. Ian Corfield, a donor to Rachel Reeves, landed a Treasury role before resigning amid the furore.

Labour pledged to rid politics of corruption but has only deepened it in fact the UK’s civil service recruitment regulator has launched and inquiry into several recent Whitehall appointments made between July and August 2024.

Even worse, Labour surrendered British territories like the Chagos Islands without so much as a parliamentary debate. Like the Tories’ betrayal of Northern Ireland, Labour is happy to toss away British sovereignty. Starmer’s government has no qualms about selling out our national interests.

Then there’s freebie-gate. Starmer, who touted himself as a paragon of integrity, has accepted over £100,000 in gifts and freebies which is more than any other MP since 2019. He promised to clean up politics, yet is exposed as just another self-serving opportunist. How can Britons trust a leader who lines his pockets while they struggle with soaring costs?

This is the worst start to any government in living memory. Labour is not just a threat to our economy, borders, and sovereignty it’s a threat to Britain’s future.

Britain is burning, and Keir Starmer is holding the match.


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