
500 migrants’ lives are in danger — which side of the immigration debate is to blame?.l

migrants try to reach UK

Migrants are pictured crossing the English Channel (Image: Getty)

More than 500 migrants attempting to enter the UK are in danger today in the English Channel, with 10 boats issuing distress calls.

The blame culture of British politics and social life has swelled to unprecendented levels since the unhappy advent of Twitter, now X, so lets join in the clamour and ask: Whose fault is this?

Specifically, who in Britain can be said to most be to blame for this situation? Is it the nasty right-wing, who want lower immigration? Is it the Brexiteers, both Left and Right, who voted to take back control of our borders?

Or is more responsibility for this disgraceful, tragic and perilous situation to be layed at the feet of every moron who has ever held a placard insisting “Refugees are welcome here”?

If any one of those people today crammed onto boats in the Channel dies, will any thought be given before the next hot-headed hippie opens his stupid mouth and shouts abuse at those of us who want properly managed migration?

Will they perhaps instead direct their abuse at the scum who took money from these people and sent them on their way to risk their lives with the aim of reaching our southern shores?

Will they consider what kind of message it sends out to economic migrants, not refugees, among the boatloads of people turning up to our coastline when they insist on calling every occupant of a small boat an asylum seeker or refugee before it has been proven?

Of course they won’t. But have it on record here that claiming moral superiority does not make you a moral person. Doing the right thing does.


The sick, opportunistic human trafficking that is risking the lives of people who want to be here is not acceptable. It must be crushed, and its perpertrators persecuted out of existence.

It is also not acceptable, as an economic migrant, as opposed to those seeking asylum, to expect to stroll into a country because you risked your life to get there. That sentence alone risks generating more disgust, more fury and more opprobrium than any of the distortions we see today from certain sections of the British Left.

Britain is being manipulated by cry-bullies who claim virtue while making virtually every situation they decide to weigh in on worse than it was before.


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