Old Au

40 Rare Color Photos of Kununurra Town, Australia in the Early Days of Establishment

Established in 1961, Kununurra is a town in far northern Western Australia located at the eastern extremity of the Kimberley Region approximately 37 kilometres (23 mi) from the border with the Northern Territory. Kununurra was initiated to service the Ord River Irrigation Scheme.

Kununurra is the largest town in Western Australia north of Broome, with the closest town being Wyndham, 100 kilometres (62 mi) away. Kununurra is 3,040 kilometres (1,889 mi) from Perth via the Great Northern Highway.

The town is situated in among the scenic hills and ranges of the far north-east Kimberley Region, having an abundance of fresh water, conserved by the Ord River Diversion dam and the main Ord River Dam.

The tropical agriculture crops grown in the Ord River Irrigation Area have changed over the years. Tourism and mining have also become important to the local economy.

These rare color photos from Kununurra Museum that captured the town area of Kununurra, from the earliest marking out and construction, which had started during 1960, after the Public Works Department had shifted their camp from Bandicoot Bar to the new town site by December 1959.

First build ing at town – Government Office, November 1959

 Town Kununurra Marking out Coolibah Drive, Ord River Irrigation Area, November 1959

Town Marking out Coolibah Drive Kununurra, November 1959

Afternoon session at Geraldton building Co’s wet canteen (before C&N took over), October 1960

Afternoon session at Geraldton building Co’s wet canteen (before C&N took over), October 1960

 Cajuput Street, Kununurra, September 1960

Geraldton Building Company Foreman’s Hut, Kununurra, October 1960

 Hostel Block under Construction and Mount Cyril, October 1960

Hostel under Construction, November 1960

 House for RA Hamilton ‘The Chalet’ under Construction, November 1960

 Power Station Building Construction, Kununurra, October 1960

 Power Station Building Construction, November 1960

 Public Works Office will be 7 feet off ground, November 1960

 The 1st Two Houses in Kununurra and Kelly’s Knob, November 1960

 The 1st Two Houses in Kununurra, November 1960

 The 1st two houses on Cajuput Street, Kununurra, October 1960

 Town Camp-Still in Tents, April 1960

 Aerial View of the New Town of Kununurra, December 1961

 Children and a wallaby in neighbour’s garden, October 1961

Children cooling off next to house, October 1961

Mother and daughter in front of residence in Kununurra, July 1961

Some of the First houses in Kununurra, 1961

 Building first houses & other buildings in Kununurra, 1962

Building first houses & other buildings in Kununurra, 1962

Diversion Dam Worker’s Mess Hall Fire, August 1962

Diversion Dam Worker’s Mess Hall Fire, August 1962

Diversion Dam Worker’s Mess Hall, August 1962

Kununurra Government Hostel and Ord River Club, 1962

Laundry and Showers, 1962

Town Admin Building at Kununurra, 1962

 Aerial of first Houses in Kununurra, 1963

 Family and a dog in front of their house, 1963

Royal Tour Queen speaks from the Club walkway, March 1963

The Royal Visit to Kununurra, March 1963

Early image of the Kununurra District High School, 1964

First housing area in Kununurra with Kellys Knob behind, 1964

Ord River Co-operative building, this was the first shop & post office in Kunununurra, 1964

Public Works & Dept of Ag building for Ord River Irrigation (front view), 1964

Rear of elevated house Kununurra, 1964

Original R.C. Church just finished circa 1965


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